Hey guys! It's Lifeguide here. Today I am going to be creating a blog post on the top most desired items on Animal Jam as of 2017. Some of these may not be the rarest, but just things that are generally desired and traded for on the game. I have taken many surveys of players in the past, so I thought I'd make a blog post about my findings (these are in no particular order).

+ TIKI MASKS: These are another collection of items that seem to be timeless when it comes to their desirability.
+FOUNDER'S HAT: This hat goes great with tons of outfits, and reminds us of the beta days, and therefore is perfect for this list.
+ FOX HATS: The fox hats seem to always be a hot item! It's so weird but at least they are good trading items.
+ BEARDS: What even. But yeah, it seems like beards are still making their comeback as crazy as it seems. Especially the orange beard.
+PARTY HATS: Yooo these are like my favourite items. I remember getting one for the first time, and then trading it. They are a prized item and very in demand.
+ NEON BLUE BOW: This is such a unique and cool item, and it really makes your animal look flawless. One of my all-time favourites.
+ HORSE COIN: I remember the day these came out. I have been looking to get my hands on one ever since. If you have one, you can message me @Lifeguide on Animal Jam ;) The horse coins are pretty rare and a wonderful item for those of you who are looking to have an extremely awesome den.
So yeahhh. I hope you guys enjoyed this post, and if you have any ideas for new Animal Jam blog posts, just comment, and if I use the idea, I'll be sure to give you a shoutout! Feel free to message me on Animal Jam @ Lifeguide. I respond to all messages! Have a wonderful day!